

Listing all the models that are going to have phpDocs inserted
Listing all the models that are going to have phpDocs inserted
Preview of the model before it gets updated
Preview of the model before it gets updated


Please download using ONE of the following methods:

Composer Installation

All requirements are automatically downloaded into the correct location when using composer. There is no need to download additional files or set paths to third party files.

Get composer:

curl http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Install latest release OR development version:

php composer.phar require cornernote/gii-modeldoc-generator:*            // latest release
php composer.phar require cornernote/gii-modeldoc-generator:dev-master    // development version

Add the vendor folder to the aliases in your yii configuration:

return array(
    'aliases' => array(
        'vendor' => '/path/to/vendor',

Manual Installation

Download the latest release or development version and move the gii-modeldoc-generator folder into your protected/extensions folder.


Add the path to gii-modeldoc-generator to the generatorPaths in your gii configuration:

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        'gii' => array(
            'generatorPaths' => array(
                // use this if you installed with composer

                // OR, use this if you downloaded into your extensions folder


Ensure you have --- BEGIN ModelDoc --- and --- END ModelDoc --- in each of your models, for example:

 * Your class description that will not be altered by ModelDoc
 * --- BEGIN ModelDoc ---
 *  this section will be replaced by ModelDoc
 * --- END ModelDoc ---
class MyModel extends CActiveRecord { ... }

Visit index.php?r=gii, then choose ModelDoc from the menu.


This extension will not create any new model files. You should first create them or generate them with a model generator.